
Welcome to the site where I’ve put a voice to my written words.

Compelled by the rhythms and tones of language, I’m putting some of my stories online – not simply as written text but as audio podcasts with the hope that readers/listeners might find them interesting, diverting or enjoyable in one way or another.

When I write, I feel the pace, pauses and emotion as the words emerge on my computer screen and I’ve done my best to interpret those elements here.

These are for those who like podcasts.
For those who find it hard to fit reading into their busy day.
For those who want to explore new fiction.
And for those, like me, who find music in language.

And for people that prefer to read, each story is also here in the traditional way – as text on a page (if you can call a blog in cyberspace traditional).

At the top of every page, you’ll see the categories:
very short stories      short stories      children’s stories    and    longer stories   so you can navigate your way around by clicking on one of these or by checking out the monthly posts (links are in the right sidebar or by going to the   hey  posts page) which often provides some background on the new addition for that month.

To read the text version of any ‘short story’ or ‘children’s story’, click on the title icon/picture to the left of any blurb; or of any ‘longer story’, click on the book button to the left of any podcast title. (The full text of each ‘very short story’ is directly on the ‘very short stories’ page.) 

To save any of the audio files instead of listening immediately, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac) on the download link (podcast title) beneath the audio player. Then you can save the mp3 file to any hard drive or media player or add it to your iTunes library for listening at a later time.

So …  if you need a short break from work at your computer, if you’d like something to listen to while you prepare a meal, if you want to escape into another world during the bustle of your daily commute … OR if you’ve simply forgotten the joy of closing your eyes and being read a story, give these podcasts a try. Or read the text versions if you’d prefer to create your own cerebral tones and rhythms.

I do hope the time you spend listening/reading adds something to your day, even for just a moment. Thanks so much for visiting.
